Then navigate to Camtasia Preferences (Camtasia > Preferences) to open the Recording dialog, shown in Figure 1 (below).
To begin, launch Camtasia, create a new project, and save it to the same destination where your Premiere Pro project files are. I won’t go into all the details of producing screencams in Camtasia, but you can visit and other instructional sites for more detail on getting up to speed with Camtasia.

Know the dimensions of your final video.Here are four general tips to keep in mind before you start recording your Camtasia screencam:

Also be sure your frame rate (fps) matches your source material. Before you start recording, make sure you’re capturing your screen using an uncompressed format or high-quality codec. Regardless of whether you’re working on a comparable system and Camtasia version, or on a Windows system running a different version of Camtasia, the trick is to produce these recordings in the highest quality possible. In the tutorial video and screenshots that accompany this article, I’m working with a MacBook Pro with Mavericks, Camtasia 2 for Mac, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Jepan Media when producing high-quality screencams mixed in with other video footage. The workflow we’ll discuss in this article has worked extremely well for St. In this tutorial, we’ll look at how create screencams with TechSmith Camtasia, and then import them into Adobe Premiere Pro to incorporate them into your existing Premiere Pro projects. When producing these types of projects, it’s critical to integrate these elements seamlessly so that the viewers aren’t distracted by an appreciable drop in quality between the video and the screencam. Jepan Media is producing instructional and educational videos that combine screencams and video. One of the services we provide for our clients at St.